Friday, September 02, 2005

Is abortion ethical????…

Well, recently I saw a forward (with pictures) about abortion …there were lot of pictures of small babies who died in abortion, but I could see only a few as I dint had enough courage to move further…it was a very heartening sight… mind was spinning with only one question “how can a mother kill her own child?”…

Is abortion ethical?…..It is a much debated question……for this question there is no correct answer and even I am not very sure to take sides…but something, somewhere is telling me that it is not right….if someone is aborting a child just because it is girl baby, the baby is handicapped, or other selfish reasons it is truly unethical….. I strongly feel that there is no such word called ethical in abortion, as it is the act of violence or in fact murder itself even if it is done in the first 7 weeks of conceiving or after 7 months…..if the mother is not have enough courage to bear the child she should not conceive at all….but I also think that there are some cases where abortion is inevitable, like foetus creating serious complications for the mother etc... Whatever the reason is, as educated women we should be more responsible and matured enough to understand the fact that abortion is unethical and not to deprive a Child from its beautiful life for our selfish reasons.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think, when the Mothers decide to do this, they do imagine about these Children's future. Do u think they will be happy without Fathers, without Greetings from both family and society, etc.? That is, in my opinion, it is not ethic, but the future of these Chilren, needed to consider.

11:30 PM  
Blogger Anitha said...

ya i agree with only i am telling women to be more responsible so that they will not face this situation at all....making a mistake without thinking and then killing the child
is it ethical?? (coming to thinking about child future and its father,if she is a future thinker she should think before not after conceivng about the consequences)........whoever does the mistake, women is the one who think before u do anything

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there!

Your question is very relevant! But unfortunately the world we live is not about black and white...

I agree abortion is a most violent act.

But there are various dimensions to it.

I feel nothing but vile for those women who use abortion as a convenient way to get rid of something borne out of a night of irresponsible sex.

But what about of a victim of rape?

What if you knew the child you were going to give birth to was afflicted with a severe disability that would never let him live a normal life?

I am not trying to shoot down your argument....but only trying to say that some of these issues can never objective answers.

Nevertheless you raise a valid point worth debating

1:10 AM  
Blogger Anitha said...

hey Alex, i too agree with u and so only told in my post also that there are some inevitable cases where abortion has to be done...As u told, in the case of rape victims, the child to be born is having severe disability abortion may become very very necessary considering the welfare of the kid...but before getting aborted the mother should reconsider whether she is doing right and then if the situation is worse and going to be more worse if the kid is born then she as to take necessary step.

12:20 PM  

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