Impact of "Smoking" on health

New research has found that smoking causes more breathing difficulties in women than in men. Women smokers reported higher rates of asthma than men, with the prevalence of asthma in women increasing with increasing numbers of cigarettes smoked. The asthma rate was more than one in 10 among those women smoking more than 20 cigarettes a day.The tobocco consumers not only affect their health but they affect others health also.
Smoking during pregnancy significantly increases the chances of the infant dying of sudden infant death syndrome, Spontaneous abortions, delivering a pre-mature baby, delivering a low birth-weight baby, impairing the child's long-term growth and intellectual development.
Based on the the calculation, published in the British Medical Journal, each cigarette cost 11 minutes of life.
so there is a urgent need for the women (including men) to quit smoking to save their lifes. They have to understand that they should not become fools to sacrifice their life for two- three minutes of instant hapiness they get by smoking.
nice work there. keep it up. thank got i quit smoking!!
U r article on smoking is interesting though, i m not that convinced...You say, a cigarette cost 11 mints of my life...just think, I m going for an interview, I have a puff, feel lot more better, and do the interview well....that gives me a short term feeling of good, just as coffee, tea...well the opportunity cost that may result in loss is not accounted for...anyways who knows each person gonna live 40,50,60,80....all is written up above..
Anyhow, we are not living the perfect health living. We breathe the much polluted air, food not according to the balanced diet that I learnt in school...if we can have so many deviation from our healthy living schedule. Why not this?
I wouldn't sound too skeptical if i said that smoking isn't the real threat.
We have more people dying from pollution related ailments such as exposure to sulphurous toxins and deadly nitrogenous compound residues. The smoking factor maybe be at the bottom of the chart and well as it goes it comes with a choice, to smoke or not to smoke. But seriously do we have a choice when it comes to being exposed to pollution.
In case of pollution someone is polluting wonder u get angry on those who are polluting u as it effects ur case of smoking u pollute urself and others, but u think that it makes u feel better....But in reality, Smoking is an important risk factor for the three diseases that cause most deaths : heart disease, stroke and lung cancer. It is responsible for around 80% of all lung cancer deaths and 20% of all cancer deaths. Dont u think ur sacrifice is more than the cigerrate pleasure???....No one knows when he dies and how he dies, but after knowing that smoking affect heart,lungs and ultimtely causes death he should not call the death himself by having more puffs.
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