Donate Light

when i was small i was very scared about the very thought of donating my eyes as i used to fear that in the next birth i will be funny right????.But has i grew up i have realised the importance of eye donation.It is the real legacy you can leave behind after your death.There are lakhs of visually challenged people in this world who spend their whole life in darkness...After death our eyes are going to be destroyed along with our body either by burying or burning.So, why to destroy those precious eyes????.We are not loosing anything by donating our eyes as they will be taken only after our death.One donor can give sight to two blind people.which means our eyes will be the light for two people throughout their life.They can see the world through our eyes.what else one can ask for??.Now, i laugh at my foolish thoughts that i had before.I am going to donate my two eyes after my death.No one knows whether there is life after death for our soul, but for our eyes there is life for sure.So let our eyes sparkle as bright as stars even after our death by giving light to blind people..
well said Anantha..We should strive to make this world a better place..let us contribute our bit in this direction :)
its great and it requires guts to is inbuild of helping.
i inspried from u and from 1 of my friend also, even i have diceded to do something new so that i wl be 1 among u all.
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