Friday, September 21, 2007

Strange world with Strangers!

Imagine you are returning from your work or college and suddenly a stranger appears from nowhere and he starts talking to u by introducing himself!!!..U may do one of these--You may think that he has gone crazy and u will try to avoid him or u may get scared and u look around to call someone for help or u may end up making friendship with him..I myself have come across this situation many times..Surprisingly, those guys talk as if they know u from many years..In my case, all these guys wanted my friendship..First time when it happened i was really scared and i was struggling to talk and fumbling for words ..Now,i just ignore and frankly tell 'no' to those Guys with a broad smile.But,it made me think, why are these people are so desperate for making friendship with strangers?.I feel one of the reason is, they are from different state and are new to this place so they would have started acquainting people ..As i haven't done any research on this i really don't know the may b the answer I believe as long as those guys really mean that they are looking for a true friendship then its fine..But the problem here is, no one can judge a person just by listening to his sugar coated words he tells while making friendship..Many times we get cheated from our very own friends so, how can we trust a stranger???..I am not against making friendship with strangers but, i feel that as its the matter of friendship, one should be very careful while choosing their friends especially when it's a new friendship with a stranger otherwise it will leave u emotionally disturbed for a very very long time..Don't panic or get scared when u come across this situation..If u don't want to do friendship with a stranger be frank and tell a big "No" and go on with your life!!!..


Blogger Karthick said...

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10:34 PM  
Blogger Karthick said...

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10:35 PM  
Blogger Karthick said...

its absolutely absurd u cannot authorize some one to become friends...we make true friend by gelling togather with people over a period of time.. so say big "bye" wen some stranger comes with so called proposed "hi"..

10:34 PM

10:36 PM  
Blogger Santosh said...

Blast ! Girls have all the luck.

I never came across a stranger girl wanting to be friends with me :-)

:p on a serios note, the confusion you have is obvious. Trust is a very rare thing these days, and put that on a stranger is a bit tooo much to ask for.



4:45 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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3:42 PM  
Blogger Madan said...

hmmm.....wat u said is partially true.....may be wen ppl come to new places, obly they will look for frns....infact its very easy to make frnship with a girl rite??[:d]....even im looking for a frn in my working place after 1 year[:P]

10:31 AM  
Blogger MAHADEV said...

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8:41 PM  

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