Radio Mirchi 93.3FM ...Toooo Hot???

Nowadays i am tuned to Radio mirchi 93.3FM....It is aired in Bangalore last month with the punch line "Sakath Hot maga" and already it is very very popular.Some of its programs are Hello bangalore,Bitti ticket,chill maadi.They are playing hot and new popular songs (only hindi and english) 24/7.The programs are very lively and the listeners get the latest news on traffic, city happenings along with many live competations and interviews.Sounds interesting????..
Well, here comes the other side,In Radio mirchi programs the RJ's try their level best to converse in kannada by mixing both english and kannada(in other words, its Kanglish).Eventhough Radio mirchi 93.3 FM is targetting Bangaloreans where 80%+ are kannadigas, not even one kannada song is played till now.Lot of songs are repeated on the same day.Some of its programs like sleevless sarsa and Polee-Pataaki are funny with lot of unnecessary PJs..
All in all,Radio mirchi 93.3FM is a very lively and 24/7 entertainment radio channel one can tune into, when they are bored.It really cheers you up.Being a kannadiga, one thing i really missed listening to Radio mirchi was Kannada songs..Eventhough the channel tries to convey its youth image(Radio mirchi thinks youth=hindi and english) i feel that it should consider all sections of people in bangalore and play some kannada songs too as it plays tamil songs in Chennai and telugu songs in Hyderabad and not to disappoint ppl (like me) who love to listen kannda songs from their favorite channel "Radio Mirchi 93.3FM".